First Name KAREN


National Statistics


  • KAREN is ranked as the 24th most popular given name in the United States with an estimated population of 1,469,388.
  • This name is in the 99th percentile, this means that nearly 0% of all the first names are more popular.
  • There are 460.83 people named KAREN for every 100,000 Americans.
  • This name is most often used as a first name, 99% of the time.
  • Based on the analysis of 100 years worth of data from the Social Security Administration's (SSA) Baby Names database, the estimated population of people named KAREN is 883,773.
  • The SSA data also shows that KAREN is used as a girl's name 100% of the time.

First Names KAREN
National Statistics

MyNameStats statistics:

  • Population Est. 1,469,388 +/-0.3%
  • National Rank 24
  • Percentile Rank 1.00
  • Proportion/100k 460.8

SSA Baby Name statistics:

  • Population Estimate 883,773
  • National Rank 36
  • Percentile Rank 99.96%
  • Proportion/100k 277.17

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Race and Ethnicity


The race and Hispanic origin distribution of the people with the name KAREN is 80.8% White, 4.2% Hispanic origin, 11.2% Black, 1.9% Asian or Pacific Islander, 1.4% Two or More Races, and 0.6% American Indian or Alaskan Native. These figures should be considered only as a rough estimate. The purpose of this graph is to compare the name's specific race and Hispanic origin distribution to the distribution in the general population of the US.

The vertical blue bars represent the race distribution of people that have the name. The yellow horizontal lines represent the race distribution of the general population. The amount by which the blue bars extend past the yellow horizontal lines determines how likely a person with the name will be part of a given race or Hispanic origin group.

On this basis, the people with the name KAREN have a higher likelyhood of being White and a lower likelyhood of being Hispanic origin.

Ethnic and Cultural Name Categories

The first name KAREN is included in the following name categories:
  • Danish feminine given name
  • Common US feminine given name - Census Bureau Data
  • English feminine given name
  • Armenian masculine given name
  • US feminine baby name - Social Security Administration
  • Common US surname - Census Bureau Data

Race & Hispanic origin distribution
of the people with the name KAREN

Race or Hisp. origin % people named % general pop. % diff.
White 80.8% 63.9% 16.9%
Hispanic origin 4.2% 16.3% -12.1%
Black 11.2% 12.3% -1.1%
Asian or Pacific Islander 1.9% 4.9% -3.0%
Two or more races 1.4% 1.8% -0.4%
American Indian or Alaskan Native 0.6% 0.7% -0.1%

State Statistics for Popularity and Rank


  • The state with the most people named KAREN is California where 153,341 people have this name.
  • Wisconsin is the state where you are most likely to meet a person named KAREN, as 635.3 in every 100,000 Wisconsinites have this name.
  • Highest percentile rank of any state for this name is 99th, this rank was reached in the states of California.
  • Wisconsin is the state with the biggest positive difference between the actual state population and the projected state population based on the national average. (where the blue bar extends past the yellow vertical line) with a difference of 0 more people than projected.
  • The state with the biggest negative difference is Mississippi (where the blue bar does not extend past the yellow vertical line) with a difference of 0 fewer people than projected.
Midwest State Statistics First-Names KAREN State Population Proportion/100k Percentile Illinois 63,116 490.01 100.0% Indiana 32,662 495.11 99.9% Iowa 16,605 534.41 99.9% Kansas 14,451 497.63 99.9% Michigan 57,674 581.98 100.0% Minnesota 32,052 587.34 99.9% Missouri 7,605 254 99.7% Nebraska 9,717 516.46 99.8% North Dakota 4,093 553.51 99.6% Ohio 62,937 542.83 99.9% South Dakota 4,448 521.34 99.6% Wisconsin 36,578 635.3 99.9%

Midwest States
State stats for the first name KAREN

State Pop. Prop/100k %Rank
Illinois 63,116 490.01 100.0%
Indiana 32,662 495.11 99.9%
Iowa 16,605 534.41 99.9%
Kansas 14,451 497.63 99.9%
Michigan 57,674 581.98 100.0%
Minnesota 32,052 587.34 99.9%
Missouri 7,605 254 99.7%
Nebraska 9,717 516.46 99.8%
North Dakota 4,093 553.51 99.6%
Ohio 62,937 542.83 99.9%
South Dakota 4,448 521.34 99.6%
Wisconsin 36,578 635.3 99.9%
West State Statistics First-Names KAREN State Population Proportion/100k Percentile Alaska 3,743 508.05 99.6% Arizona 30,315 450.34 99.9% California 153,341 395.18 100.0% Colorado 28,127 525.16 99.9% Hawaii 5,142 362.19 99.9% Idaho 7,691 470.53 99.8% Montana 4,989 487.42 99.7% Nevada 11,611 408.96 99.9% New Mexico 7,988 383.02 99.7% Oregon 20,896 526.31 99.9% Utah 13,060 443.78 99.9% Washington 38,891 550.75 100.0% Wyoming 2,490 426.22 99.5%

West States
State stats for the first name KAREN

State Pop. Prop/100k %Rank
Alaska 3,743 508.05 99.6%
Arizona 30,315 450.34 99.9%
California 153,341 395.18 100.0%
Colorado 28,127 525.16 99.9%
Hawaii 5,142 362.19 99.9%
Idaho 7,691 470.53 99.8%
Montana 4,989 487.42 99.7%
Nevada 11,611 408.96 99.9%
New Mexico 7,988 383.02 99.7%
Oregon 20,896 526.31 99.9%
Utah 13,060 443.78 99.9%
Washington 38,891 550.75 100.0%
Wyoming 2,490 426.22 99.5%
Northeast State Statistics First-Names KAREN State Population Proportion/100k Percentile Connecticut 20,481 569.44 99.9% Maine 7,894 593.52 99.8% Massachusetts 39,445 584.77 100.0% New Hampshire 8,054 607.03 99.8% New Jersey 38,903 435.25 99.9% New York 98,952 501.12 100.0% Pennsylvania 69,603 544.32 99.9% Rhode Island 5,861 555.41 99.8% Vermont 3,034 484.24 99.6%

Northeast States
State stats for the first name KAREN

State Pop. Prop/100k %Rank
Connecticut 20,481 569.44 99.9%
Maine 7,894 593.52 99.8%
Massachusetts 39,445 584.77 100.0%
New Hampshire 8,054 607.03 99.8%
New Jersey 38,903 435.25 99.9%
New York 98,952 501.12 100.0%
Pennsylvania 69,603 544.32 99.9%
Rhode Island 5,861 555.41 99.8%
Vermont 3,034 484.24 99.6%
South State Statistics First-Names KAREN State Population Proportion/100k Percentile Alabama 14,785 304.89 99.8% Arkansas 11,249 379.23 99.8% Delaware 4,816 514.72 99.9% Dist. of Columbia 2,178 330.49 99.8% Florida 83,034 417.4 100.0% Georgia 37,996 376.3 99.9% Kentucky 18,628 422.08 99.8% Louisiana 15,876 341.45 99.9% Maryland 30,444 509.4 99.9% Mississippi 7,605 254 99.7% North Carolina 43,093 433.36 100.0% Oklahoma 15,838 408.4 99.9% South Carolina 18,190 376.42 99.9% Tennessee 24,705 377.21 99.9% Texas 97,833 362.92 100.0% Virginia 38,271 459.64 99.9% West Virginia 8,284 447.7 99.6%

South States
State stats for the first name KAREN

State Pop. Prop/100k %Rank
Alabama 14,785 304.89 99.8%
Arkansas 11,249 379.23 99.8%
Delaware 4,816 514.72 99.9%
Dist. of Columbia 2,178 330.49 99.8%
Florida 83,034 417.4 100.0%
Georgia 37,996 376.3 99.9%
Kentucky 18,628 422.08 99.8%
Louisiana 15,876 341.45 99.9%
Maryland 30,444 509.4 99.9%
Mississippi 7,605 254 99.7%
North Carolina 43,093 433.36 100.0%
Oklahoma 15,838 408.4 99.9%
South Carolina 18,190 376.42 99.9%
Tennessee 24,705 377.21 99.9%
Texas 97,833 362.92 100.0%
Virginia 38,271 459.64 99.9%
West Virginia 8,284 447.7 99.6%

Full Names with KAREN as a First Name


Shown are the top 20 most likely full names that have KAREN as a first name. The length of the bars represents an estimate of the the number of people with the name expressed as a percentage of all the people named KAREN.

The most popular full name is KAREN Smith. 0.87% of all the people named KAREN have this family name.

There are 82532 last names associated with this first name.

Top 20 Last Names
paired with the first name KAREN

Rank Full Name % of pop
1 KAREN Smith 0.87%
2 KAREN Johnson 0.67%
3 KAREN Miller 0.48%
4 KAREN Brown 0.47%
5 KAREN Jones 0.42%
6 KAREN Williams 0.41%
7 KAREN Davis 0.38%
8 KAREN Anderson 0.37%
9 KAREN Wilson 0.28%
10 KAREN Martin 0.26%
11 KAREN Thompson 0.24%
12 KAREN Lee 0.24%
13 KAREN Moore 0.24%
14 KAREN Taylor 0.24%
15 KAREN Hall 0.24%
16 KAREN Clark 0.23%
17 KAREN King 0.23%
18 KAREN White 0.22%
19 KAREN Thomas 0.21%
20 KAREN Hill 0.20%