- CHASE is ranked as the 1296th most popular given name in the United States with an estimated population of 23,105.
- This name is in the 99th percentile, this means that nearly 0% of all the first names are more popular.
- There are 7.25 people named CHASE for every 100,000 Americans.
- This name is most often used as a last name, 72% of the time.
- Based on the analysis of 100 years worth of data from the Social Security Administration's (SSA) Baby Names database, the estimated population of people named CHASE is 140,550.
- The SSA data also shows that CHASE is used as a boy's name 98% of the time.
First Names CHASE
National Statistics
MyNameStats statistics:
- Population Est. 23,105 +/-2.3%
- National Rank 1,296
- Percentile Rank 1.00
- Proportion/100k 7.2
SSA Baby Name statistics:
- Population Estimate 140,550
- National Rank 378
- Percentile Rank 99.59%
- Proportion/100k 44.08
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